I imagine moving is like childbirth. Exciting and intimidating before and just plain painful during the actual event. There's always some "thing" that would have been nice to do but has to be abandoned, a flurry of thoughts on how one might have been better prepared, hope that something important has not been forgotten, and finally resignation that this is it, it's time to push. If this blog had wider circulation, I could see getting a stream of comments from sore, sleep deprived new mothers on how moving is nothing at all like childbirth and how they'd rather move all the stuff in my house, one piece at a time, back and forth than opt for labor again, but the analogy works for me so that's what moving is going to be like today.
My movers are nice and were really flexible. I didn't feel like I had to watch them with my stuff and while I'm am positive that my lack of organization has ensured that I will find my drill battery has been sent to storage and my drill has been packed to come with me to Philly, today, in my grimy, exhausted state, it is an expected and acceptable casualty of moving.
I'm renting for the first time in years and while I thought it would be great after almost 7 years of overrated home ownership, I am looking forward to being in my own place again. I hemmed and hawed over painting and what and where to place things on the walls but they were my walls. The house was a never ending to-do list, often subject to budgetary constraints but I had options to change the space I lived in. Unrealized options, but options nonetheless. I'm very much leaning toward selling the place I'm in as I believe it is time to move on from my beautiful lake view and let someone who will truly maximize waterfront living get a well tended home to enjoy the water by. This place has brought me great friends, great dramas, and more home repair experiences than I cared for. I think we've wrung this one dry. Time for something new.
Abrupt subject change. This is a beautifully written reminder to all that feel that they live a divided life; one doing what is safe and one devoting what is leftover to your passion; or one that feels adrift and wondering what one's purpose might be.
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